The risk of cancer is in the diet

There is no alternative to smoking cessation, maintaining proper body weight, regular exercise, and nutritious and healthy foods to reduce the risk of cancer. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the cleanliness of the face. Because the front door of the body is the face. Cancer is not the result of smoking tobacco only. It also causes any unhealthy condition of the mouth can cause cancer.

The immature mouth is the main cause of the unhealthy environment of the face. The germs of the mouth can easily spread to different parts of the body with food and with blood vessels in the mouth. Various types of infections and chronic wounds in the face lead to cancer. So it is important to be aware of healthy eating as well as mouth health:

1. Avoid smoking and alcohol.

2. The number of sugary foods in the diet should be reduced.

3. Develop a balanced diet.

4. Avoid harmful chemical foods as much as possible.

5. Brush twice a day with the correct method for two minutes.

6. Flush out the food that is stuck at the base of the tooth.

7. Fluoride toothpaste and mouth wash can be used.

8. If you have sharp, shaky, and broken teeth, consult a dentist quickly.

9. Examine regularly if there are brittle teeth.

10. Check if there was a wound somewhere inside the mouth. This can be verified by looking in the mirror itself.

11. If there is no problem, you should have a facial examination done twice a year by a dentist.

Published by unnayanctggmailcom

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